
Latest News

A new and exciting model project starts this month
Royal Collection Trust

Modelling the past at Windsor Castle

Historian Dr Steven Brindle and I gave a talk at Windsor Castle in June 2109 about our collaboration to create three new models.

News May 2024

House portrait models, hand built to commission.

News April 2024

Last month something very strange and unexpected happened as I suddenly had a surge of new followers.

News March 2024

For March I thought I would explain a little about using plaster of Paris.

News February 2024

For February I thought I would explain a little about how I use resin casting.

News January 2024

The one tip I will share for 2024 is the use of 3D printing in my work.

News December 2023

As another year draws to a close and we are all rushing to prepare for Christmas, there's not much time to write a long piece this month

News November 2023

If you may be thinking about commissioning a house portrait as a surprise Christmas gift, I should let you know that at the moment I only have one time slot left

News October 2023

I like arranging my miniature architectural scrapyard on the mantelpiece, but didn’t think some of the bits I have were made so long ago.

News September 2023

I started Ben Taggart Modelmaking & Design in September 1994 and I can't quite believe that was 29 years ago!

News August 2023

I have a very interesting group of commissions from people who may be separated from a much loved house by huge distances or even by time.